it would also point to the apostates having highlighted an area of weakness in the earthly organisation and this would not fit in to Jehovahs good name being vindicated...
Why don't we advertise it then?
A few fliers (distribution details to be arranged) would let witnesses know that God is'nt working at all in their man- made org.It would'nt take much- just a printer and the above info along with a few well chosen words, minus the name at the bottom
I agree with know2much - ((( sorry to hear of your past))))
they should have decided to hand all abuse cases over to the authorities instead of handling them themselves - that action proves that they have no idea how victims need to be treated - hav'nt they learnt anything?
just the fact that the new groups are to be per circuit makes you feel they know the extent of the problem- are they expecting many more do you think????
Edited to add
actually, with your permission Jim, I'd like to send this info to the police, social services and kidscape-theey may decide to investigate their policies and maybe make a few suggestions
Edited by - termite 35 on 6 December 2002 18:32:45